"Sorry, but this product is not available for purchase in this country. Your product key has not been redeemed."
Dragon's Dogma II
0 / 240
04.19.2024 17:08:32 - yelkhal7 -
Same here :(
04.19.2024 17:13:19 - nimbulan -
The keys are restricted to US and Canada only. If your Steam account is set to a different region, it's not possible to redeem. It seems like Capcom went REALLY overboard with regional restricted keys for this game.
04.19.2024 17:13:37 - Pro-Kurdish -
mine not show up Dragon's Dogma II
04.19.2024 17:16:18 - Nattygains -
well it showed for me
04.19.2024 17:18:28 - Ilyesagg -
@nimbulan I got DD2 key and it says (row), though I didn't redeem it yet to see if it works for me or not but I think I'm from (row)
04.19.2024 17:22:59 - LaNeTH -
Same problem here
04.19.2024 18:37:24 - ln2233 -
It seems to be region locked to NA. Well, I got my working anyway since I'm in that region