I got Dragon's Dogma 2. Which games have you guys redeemed?
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04.19.2024 17:13:00 - SpectorTM -
I super luckily got Yakuza 8. Very happy. For the past few months I've been playing thru the Yakuza series. Now I have this to play when I get to it!
04.19.2024 17:21:39 - Ilyesagg -
Me too I got, though I wanted to get Yakuza for my brother, but I forgot the that the vault would open now, but anyway DD2 was my second target to get. So I'm happy this time too!
04.19.2024 18:29:05 - RaPtUrA -
Like a Dragon...which I am mostly happy about, I would have preferred DD2 by a lot but somehow Europe was excluded even though there were keys for ROW :(
04.19.2024 18:38:50 - ln2233 -
Got Dogma 2.
04.19.2024 22:06:10 - BrandonUzumaki -
Got Dragon's Dogma 2!!!
04.20.2024 01:10:04 - mitch079 -
I skipped this month. I would've tried for DD2 or Like a Dragon but I picked these up recently on PS5 instead.
04.20.2024 16:27:42 - Manfred Von Richtofen -
got the dogma boyzzzzzzz